I am so happy with how our engagement pictures turned out! Kelli France (www.francephotography.com) is fabulous! She took all these and so many other great shots up at sand harbor in one hour. I can't wait to get them on my walls! She lives in Colorado but frequents the Reno/Tahoe area because she has so many clients out west. She is doing our wedding in September too... but Kelli made some great points about how engagement pictures are great on the walls because they are so playful and tell a story, where wedding photos tend to be so staged and posey. If you are already married and never got engagement photos, guess what? It's not too late! She is so great at capturing real expression shots. Seriously she is the best I've seen!
She used to teach a photography class at Pickled Tink before she moved=( If you are interested in taking a mamarazzi class or want to be a part of her franceypants academy call Pickled Tink and we will put you on the waiting list. Thanks Kelli!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!! You guys are TOO cute!! This makes me want to see every shot!!!!